Check out Mo’s interview for the Early Career Research Spotlight at JEB:
Check out Mo’s interview for the Early Career Research Spotlight at JEB:
Congratulations to Karen for being awarded a prestigious NSERC CGS-D scholarships. Now she’s rich!
Congratulations too to Liam for earning his 3rd consecutive OGS award.
Karen and Liam were also recently each awarded competitive travel awards from the Canadian Society of Zoologists. Great work both of you!
A major congratulations to Dr. Hang Cheng, who has been named as the 2024 recipient of the Cameron Award from the Canadian Society of Zoologists, which is awarded for the best doctoral thesis in Zoology in Canada. Dr. Cheng will present his doctoral work in a plenary lecture at the upcoming annual CSZ meeting in Moncton. Congratulations Hang, you earned it!
Congratulations to Karen, who has been awarded the 2024 Antoine Morin Memorial Scholarship. This award recognizes outstanding graduate students in the Department of Biology for academic excellence and contributions to knowledge sharing. Karen was a shoe-in for this award thanks to her tireless efforts as Editor-in-Chief (among many other roles) with BioMatters. A well-deserved prize!
We are very pleased to welcome Dr. Reyhaneh Rahnamaie-Tajadod as the newest doctoral candidate to the lab. Dr. Tajadod joins the lab with a strong background in botany and a keen interest in animal physiology. Welcome Rey!
Congratulations to Liam and Karen for their recent receipt of Travelling Fellowships from the Company of Biologists (from the Journal of Experimental Biology for Karen and the Journal of Cell Science for Liam) to conduct field work on sharks and rays in Australia in winter 2024. Great work both!
Maiah’s most recent publication, a collaboration exploring the physiological responses of Malagasy Tenrecs to hypoxia with the van Breukelen lab at UNLV, has been featured in Inside JEB:
This publication was also selected as the “Editor’s Choice” paper for April 2023.
Congratulations Maiah and to our fantastic collaborators Frank and Claudia!
I am very pleased to announce that Hang has successfully defended his doctoral thesis. Congratulation Hang on an outstanding body of work and on being the first PhD student to graduate from the lab. Hang is off to start a postdoctoral fellowship at Yale University and we wish him continued success!
Congratulations to Hang for winning the 2023 Denis Vezina Scholarship as the top graduate student in the Faculty of Science at the University of Ottawa. Well deserved!